Christmas is a time to celebrate my most dearly held religious beliefs. It is a recognition of the Savior Jesus Christ and a celebration of his love for everyone on this planet. – Kathryn Thompson


Christmas to me means family and testimony, celebration and warmth. I love the way the season invites me to reflect on those I love as I search for the perfect gift. I love the way my house is filled with light and music and evergreen. I deeply yearn for my heavenly home at this time of year and feel such love & gratitude reflecting on the Savior's birth and life and the promise his gift brings to the world.- Teresa Clark


Christmas means I get to retreat with my family into a quiet, sacred space and spend quality time together--singing, reading, giving to others, playing together, and thinking about our Savior's birth.- April Perry


Christmas means family. I always feel lonely when our family is scattered and filled when we are together.-Dene Low


Christmas is many things to me, but most of all it celebrates the continual inflow of the sacred into the world.  The Hindu Rabindrinath Tagore says it best, I think:  "Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged with man." – Tim J. Myers


To me, Christmas means family. It means remembering we are all children of a God who loved us so muchthat He sent His Son to be born on this earth and die and rise again so we could be with our families forever.  Christmastime is a particularly tender time for my husband and I, because we were engaged over Thanksgiving break and married the day after Christmas - five years ago now!- Ashley Nance


Christmas for me means love, family and the possibility of miracles - Charla J Schneider


For me, Christmas is all about spending time with my family and celebrating our belief in Jesus Christ. - David Miles

A time when strangers are warmer and friendlier to each other than the rest of the year, when the spirit of good will truly pervades and prevails, and when I am led to feel that truly all of us in the human race are family. - Cynthia MacGregor


Decorating the tree as a family on Monday night and Dad being impatient for pretty much the whole two hours because every child in his enormous brood of ten clumped the silver tinsel icicles instead of spreading them out evenly on the branches. - Cheri Earl

Christmas is my favorite time of year because it gives me an excuse to watch movies, be lazy, and hang with loved ones.  I'm a sucker for all the Christmas movie classics and go overboard listening to Christmas music!  I love Christmas because it gives me a chance to take a break and be thankful and appreciative of all my blessings.- Jesse LeBeau

Christmas is a spiritual and family celebration. It's precious memories and delicious smells and wonder. It's bright colors and anticipation and quiet. It's the celebration of the turning point in the world's history - and in our lives today - turning to holiness, home, and hearts.- Berry Rellaford