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With more than 300 unique quotations, The Quotable Parent shares thoughts, ideas, humor, and advice from the best minds of the ages for the most...
Ever wonder what other grandparents do to succeed with their grandchildren? Grandparenting the Blended Family explores over 30 different grandpa...
Created for your “Scout Master Minute,” The Quotable Scouter communicates the values that have been upheld by the scouting movement ever since R...
By Cheri Earl and Carol Lynch Williams   In this next adventure, George and Gracie travel back in time to Hershey, Pennsylvania—190...
After more than twenty years living internationally—sixteen addresses, eight countries and five different languages—writer Melissa Bradford shares ...
The outstanding authors of Deliberate Motherhood have let the trials and hardships of motherhood mold them into better people. Whether th...
With more than 150 recipes, activities and tips from every state, The Great American Family Reunion Cookbook provides a culinary, co...
The Best-Kept Secrets of Parenting provides sure-fire solutions and easy-to-implement suggestions that can truly make a difference in your fam...
Family councils are a great way to bring children and parents together in a positive environment where they can discuss and solve problems. In this...
Ceiling posters, customized T-shirts, letter boxes, or writing your own novels? What more could sisters ask for? WIth more than 30 fun and engag...