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After more than twenty years living internationally—sixteen addresses, eight countries and five different  languages—writer Melissa Bradfor...
"Destiny presented me with a situation that affords me access to a most strange, sometimes frightening, beautiful, and always intriguing world."...
By Her Side is the inspiring, real-life story of a young girl who suffered and eventually died as a result of her struggle with bulimia. The d...
After more than twenty years living internationally—sixteen addresses, eight countries and five different languages—writer Melissa Bradford shares ...
The outstanding authors of Deliberate Motherhood have let the trials and hardships of motherhood mold them into better people. Whether th...
A delightful, true story of growing up with a sister with Asperger’s syndrome....
Chemo-Therapy: How Caregiving Through Cancer Cured a Marriage details the journey and emotional and physical turmoil that a diagnosis of cance...
Motherhood is the kind of book you can enjoy in three minute “sips” or devour section by section when you’ve got more time. In its pages, you’ll he...