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After more than twenty years living internationally—sixteen addresses, eight countries and five different languages—writer Melissa Bradford shares ...
The outstanding authors of Deliberate Motherhood have let the trials and hardships of motherhood mold them into better people. Whether th...
Wondering what you are in for as you move to your first military base, or as you try to recover from numerous deployments? Deployed! is t...
Grandparenting is hard enough, but when you add in the blended family element, whether step or adopted, the challenge is even greater.  How do...
The world’s teenagers have never been so challenged as they are today. The constant demands of parents, school, work, peers, social media, athletic...
A Couple’s Guide to Happy Retirement is the most comprehensive book devoted entirely to relationship issues in retirement. Not a treatise on m...
"Got your Ever After? That is the question of a lifetime.  When your Ever After began I’m sure it was a happy one, but, over time, somethin...