Helping families be happy

Illness Books

Cooking Through Cancer

Cooking Through Cancer

50 Easy and Delicious Recipes for Treatment and Recovery (2nd Edition)

By Richard Lombardi
$ 19.99 (Print Book)

Cooking Through Cancer: 50 Easy and Delicious Recipes for Treatment and Recovery is a cancer fighter and cancer caregiver's best friend for combating the symptoms caused by treatment and for enhancing the recov...
Dear Moon

Dear Moon

By Stephen Wunderli
$ 16.99 (Print Book)

“We want to have a word with you!” Max shouts at the moon. “Face-to-face, man-to-Man in the Moon. We need you to stay where you are!”   Max and Ely are best friends, but each night the moon mark...
BE Brave

BE Brave

By Trish Madson
$ 14.99 (Print Book)

This empowering quote book contains a collection of 200 quotes from famous minds and anonymous thinkers that will provide strength and courage when you need it most. Each quote has been handpicked to help you e...
Timmy's Monster Diary

Timmy's Monster Diary

(St4 Mindfulness Book for Kids)

By Raun Melmed And Jeff Harvey
$ 9.99 (Print Book)

Meet Timmy, a lovable monster who can’t get enough of the coolest gadgets and video games. Too bad he doesn’t realize how much time he spends each day in front of a screen.   In the same humor...
I Have Cancer, Now What?

I Have Cancer, Now What?

12 Things You, Your Spouse, and Your Family Must Know in Your Battle with Cancer from Doctors to Finances, Romance to Household Needs, Getting the Word Out to Caregiver Burnout and Everything In between

By Carson Boss
$ 15.99 (Print Book)

You have cancer, and you need the help and support of your spouse and family more than ever. I Have Cancer, Now What? includes information on how to overcome the shock and fear of diagnosis, how to ta...
Stressed Out! for Teens

Stressed Out! for Teens

How to Be Calm, Confident & Focused

By Ben Bernstein
$ 11.37 (Print Book)

The world’s teenagers have never been so challenged as they are today. The constant demands of parents, school, work, peers, social media, athletics, music, etc. has created a generation who, while tremendou...
Crystal Puzzle

Crystal Puzzle

Growing Up with a Sister with Asperger's

By Ashley Nance
$ 14.95 (Print Book)

A delightful and true story of growing up with a sister with Asperger's Syndrome, The Crystal Puzzle chronicles powerful family experiences from the realization that there was something different...


How Cancer Cured a Marriage

By Mary Potter Kenyon
$ 16.95 (Print Book)

What happens in a family when the father is faced with cancer, a family in which the mother is the local coupon queen and their yearly vacation consists of a day spent at a Chuck E. Cheese’s restaurant? Ch...
Evolution of Cocoons

Evolution of Cocoons

A Mother's Journey Through Her Daughter's Bipolar and Asperger's

By Janna Vought
$ 12.95 (Print Book)

"Destiny presented me with a situation that affords me access to a most strange, sometimes frightening, beautiful, and always intriguing world." Evolution of Cocoons is a firsthand account of mothering ...
Life Happens

Life Happens

How to Maintain Family Strength and Unity in the Face of Adversity

By Teresa Clark
$ 12.95 (Print Book)

It happens to every family. Things are humming along smoothly when suddenly they realize that life is not just a bowl of cherries. An unlooked for event, crisis, or trial threatens to upset the balance of al...