Helping families be happy
Shop Books:   Marriage    Communication    (9 Books)
New York Times #1 bestselling authors Richard and Linda Eyre, who have been married for 50 years, bust the eight common myths that society bel...
A Couple’s Guide to Happy Retirement is the most comprehensive book devoted entirely to relationship issues in retirement. Not a treatise on m...
You have cancer, and you need the help and support of your spouse and family more than ever. I Have Cancer, Now What? includes answers to...
The Two-Minute Secret for Staying in Love explores the little things couples think, say, and do to stay in love for the long haul....
Most of us fear and dread conflict, at home or at work. But conflict can be your ally, not your enemy. Conflict doesn’t have to tear your family...
The "What is 'healthy'?" question is just one of many questions couples have asked me over and over again in my counseling practice. The typical co...
Having experienced the loss of a mother, husband, and grandson in the space of three years, author Mary Potter Kenyon, author of Chemo-Therapist...
Marry the one you love and love the one you marry. It sounds simple enough. But staying in love turns out to be a whole lot different than falling ...
Chemo-Therapy: How Caregiving Through Cancer Cured a Marriage details the journey and emotional and physical turmoil that a diagnosis of cance...