Filled with interactive wheels and pull-tabs and lavishly illustrated, Lit for Little Hands: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is an unpre...
David Miles And Brooke Jorden
Filled with interactive wheels and pull-tabs and lavishly illustrated, Lit for Little Hands: Pride and Prejudice is an unprecedented kid'...
(St4 Mindfulness Book for Kids) by
Raun Melmed And Jeff Harvey
Using the "Time-Telling" and "ST4" techniques developed by Dr. Raun Melmed of the Melmed Center in Arizona, Timmy's Monster Diary t...
A Complete Guide to Nailing the Most Common Essays You'll Encounter in College by
Laura Torres
Learn how to teach home school students the processes to writing description, narration, exposition, and argumentation (persuasive) essays. ...
Numbers and Colors in the Evergreen State by
David Miles
Ants 'n' uncles, uncles 'n' ants, dancin' 'cross the world with ants in his pants.
Goin' everywhere he's never been before, on his ant-...
And 14 More Tales about Real Beauty by
Steffani Raff
In a day when princesses have been boiled down to beautiful ball gowns comes a new kind of fairy tale.
Fall under the spell of a “Once upon ...
A Guide to Creating Magical Bedtime Stories for Young Children by
John Olive
Tonight, don't read your child a story. Instead, dim the light, lie down, and create storytelling magic. Weave a spell that will enchant your ch...
Your Guide to Handling Uncommonly Common Workplace Dilemmas by
Rosalinda Oropeza Randall
Sassy, funny, blunt, and definitely not sugar coated, Don’t Burp in the Boardroom examines etiquette in the workplace, from the wareho...
How One Underdog Pursued His Dreams & You Can Too! by
Jesse LeBeau
The sound of the basketball slapping the floor echoed hollowly in the gym, as I began working it playfully with my hands. Planning my next move,...
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