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A Couple’s Guide to Happy Retirement is the most comprehensive book devoted entirely to relationship issues in retirement. Not a treatise on m...
375 delicious, easy dinners that are ready for you to cook. Use them for all situations as a family. Recipes are organized by main food type (Chick...
Leveraging the power of the social web, @DudetoDad collects over 200 pages of wisdom, wit and general tomfoolery from Dads all over the world....
During the coldest winter ever, George and Gracie land in Menlo Park, New Jersey, 1879—near Thomas Edison’s famous laboratory. Mr. Edison has just ...
Chemo-Therapy: How Caregiving Through Cancer Cured a Marriage details the journey and emotional and physical turmoil that a diagnosis of cance...
“The truth is, any family can take a long road trip. All it takes is preparation, time behind the wheel, and determination to keep your family’s sp...
When it comes to solo parents, there is no such thing as “one size fits all.” Whether you’re divorced or widowed, the parent of one or a bunch, rai...
Bill Ratner, a long-time Hollywood insider and voice of their movie trailers, explores with in-depth research the change in advertising since 1982 ...
Motherhood is the kind of book you can enjoy in three minute “sips” or devour section by section when you’ve got more time. In its pages, you’ll he...
"Got your Ever After? That is the question of a lifetime.  When your Ever After began I’m sure it was a happy one, but, over time, somethin...