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With 100 recipes from across the country, Peachy shines new light on an old favorite. Regarded by some as a simpleton, the peach makes a break f...
George and Gracie begin their adventure in Dover, Delaware 1776. The kids are surprised to discover that one of them changes into an animal ever...
Christmas is a time for family and there’s no better way of helping your family enjoy the Christmas spirit than by taking time each night to exp...
Hippo isn't sure how to be himself when friends say, “You should walk like me! Sing like me! Dance like me! You should! You should!” ...
When your wife is diagnosed with cancer, there is a lot of information to read and review. You get overwhelmed with pamphlets, books, and binder...
With more than 300 unique quotations, The Quotable Parent shares thoughts, ideas, humor, and advice from the best minds of the ages for the most...
"Destiny presented me with a situation that affords me access to a most strange, sometimes frightening, beautiful, and always intriguing world."...
The mother-and-daughter team of the award-winning food blog Graincrazy have combined their years of whole grain exploration and cooking into one...
Ever wonder what other grandparents do to succeed with their grandchildren? Grandparenting the Blended Family explores over 30 different grandpa...
Created for your “Scout Master Minute,” The Quotable Scouter communicates the values that have been upheld by the scouting movement ever since R...